💕🌹💕Valentine's Day 💕🌹💕Valentýn
- Valentine told me who's to go
- Feelings he's treasured most of all
- The teachers and the football star
- It's in his tiny face
- It's in his scrawny hand
- Valentine told him so
- He's got something to say, it's Valentine's Day
- The rhythm of the crowd,
- Teddy and Judy down
- Valentine sees it all
- He's got something to say, it's Valentine's Day
- Valentine told me how it feels
- If all the world were under his heels
- Or stumbling through the mall
- It's in his tiny face
- It's in his scrawny hand
- Valentine knows it all
- He's got something to say, it's Valentine's Day
- Valentine Valentine
- Valentine Valentine
- It's in his scrawny hand
- It's in his icy heart
- It's happening today
- It's in his scrawny hands
- It's in his icy heart
- It's happening today
| - Valentýn mi řekl kdo začne
- Pociťovat, že je ceněným nejvíc ze všech
- Učitelé a fotbalová hvězda
- Je to v jeho drobné tváři
- Je to v jeho vychrtlých rukou
- Valentýn mu to tak řekl
- Má něco na srdci, je Valentýna
- Rytmus toho davu
- Teddy a Judy na zemi
- Valentýn to vše vidí
- Má něco na srdci, je Valentýna
- Valentýn mi řekl jaké to je
- Mít celý svět pod palcem
- Nebo klopýtat nákupním střediskem
- Je to v jeho drobné tváři
- Je to v jeho vychrtlých rukou
- Valentýn to vše ví
- Má něco na srdci, je Valentýn
- Valentýne, Valentýne
- Valentýne, Valentýne
- Je to v jeho vychrtlých rukou
- Je to v jeho ledovém srdci
- Děje se to dnes
- Je to v jeho vychrtlých rukou
- Je to v jeho ledovém srdci
- Děje se to dnes