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7. 7. 2024

Something About The Way You Look Tonight - Elton John

here was a time
I was everything and nothing all in one
When you found me
I was feeling like a cloud across the sun
V jeden čas
Jsem byl všechno a nic v jednom
Když si mě našla
Cítil jsem se jako mrak před sluncem
I need to tell you
How you light up every second of the day
But in the moonlight
You just shine like a beacon on the bay
Potřebuju ti říct
Jak rozzáříš každou vteřinu dne
Ale v měsíčním světle
Záříš jako maják v zálivu And I can't explain
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
It's that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I can't describe
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
The way you look tonight
A nedokážu to vysvětlit
Ale je to něco o tom jak dnes večer vypadáš
Bereš mi dech
Je to ten pocit který o tobě mám, je hluboko uvnitř
A nedokážu to popsat
Ale je to něco o tom jak dnes večer vypadáš
Bere mi dech
To jak dneska večer vypadáš

With a smile
You pull the deepest secrets from my heart
In all honesty
I'm speechless and I don't know where to start
S úsměvem
Vytahuješ nejhlubší tajemství z mého srdce
Se vší upřímností
Oněměl jsem a nevím kde začít

I fall in love in that song ! Here you have LYRICS : There was a time I was everything and nothing all in one When you found me I was feeling like a cloud across the sun I need to tell you How you light up every second of the day But in the moonlight You just shine like a beacon on the bay And I can't explain But it's something about the way you look tonight Takes my breath away It's that feeling I get about you, deep inside And I can't describe But it's something about the way you look tonight Takes my breath away The way you look tonight With a smile You pull the deepest secrets from my heart  I'm speechless and I don't know where to start With a smile
You pull the deepest secrets from my heart
In all honesty
I'm speechless and I don't know where to start